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Arthritis is among the most frequent causes of hip pain, and there are many treatments available. Commonly physiotherapy can help to reduce pain and increase mobility. If conservative treatments fail, hip replacement surgery is an option.


Trochanteric bursitis is an extremely common problem that causes inflammation of the bursa over the outside of the hip joint. Proper evaluation and finding a cause of irritation of bursa is essential. The Physiotherapists is one of the most important health care providers who can help, whether through soft tissue mobilizing technique or exercising weak and non proper used muscles group, in order to correct hip joint biomechanics.


Tendonitis can occur in any of the tendons that surround the hip joint. The most frequently encountered tendonitis around the hip is iliotibial band tendonitis


Osteonecrosis Is a condition that occurs when blood flow to an area of bone is restricted. If an inadequate amount of blood flow reaches the bone, the cells will die and the bone may collapse. One of the most common places for osteonecrosis to occur is in the hip joint. In such cases physiotherapist are playing important role in preoperative and postoperative rehabilitation.


Snapping Hip Syndrome is a word used to describe three distinct hip problems. The first is when the IT band snaps over the outside of the thigh. The second occurs when the deep hip flexor snaps over the front of the hip joint. Finally, tears of the cartilage, or labrum, around the hip socket can cause a snapping sensation.AS well as previous physiotherapy can help to improve condition.


Muscle Strain around the hip and pelvis can cause pain and spasm. The most common strains are groin pulls and hamstring strains. In case there is no place for surgical treatment rest and appropriate functional rehabilitation will lead to full recovery headed by Physiotherapist.


Hip Fractures are most common in elderly patients with osteoporosis. Treatment of broken hips requires surgery to either replace the broken portion or repair it with a metal plate and screws. As with any fracture, the involvement of physiotherapy is essential for full recovery.


Hip Replacements are among the most common procedures performed by orthopedic surgeons. This surgery is incredibly successful, and has excellent results in the vast majority of patients. The problem, unfortunately, is that over a period of time hip replacements wear out.
Ten years after a hip replacement, there is a 90% chance the implant will be functioning well. Twenty years after surgery, the chance is about 80%. By twenty five to thirty years after surgery, about 50% of hip replacements are still working well. Patients whose prostheses have worn out will require a revision hip replacement surgery.
This condition is one of serious challenges in physiotherapy, and in most of the cases appropriate strengthening, range of motion exercise are of crucial importance for functional hip.